How sewing saved us 13000 years ago?


The practice of sewing was most helpful during the Younger Dryas Cold event. Animal skins were frequently used to make outfits. It took a lot of time to complete a full dress.

Our prejudiced interpretation of the distant era has served to devalue the critical role of women in communities. However, during this period women were critical to the survival of frigid generations.

The Younger Dryas event is sometimes referred to as the “Cold Snap”. It was roughly 1,300 years long. It abruptly overturned the progressive rising of the climate to ice age conditions.

Archaeological data sheds light on how it impacted humanity and how crucial women were to sustenance.

The Younger Dryas Cold Event

Between around 12,900 and 11,600 years back, the Younger Dryas was a cold phase. Following the Late Glacial Interstadial, this was a reversion to glacial states.

After the decline of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the steady climatic warming was momentarily reversed. This was about 20,000 years ago. Dryas octopetala, a tundra wildflower, inspired the name of the YDCE.

Its leaves can be found in post-glacial strata, such as Scandinavian lake deposits. Pollen and ice cores are two further indicators of this climatic shift.

This thermal degradation took place near the conclusion of the Pleistocene epoch. Vast ice sheets and other glaciers emerged on landmasses during this time span.

This catastrophe was followed by a dramatic heating period. The period became to be known as the Blling-Allerd Interstadial. It witnessed the swift melting of the massive Pleistocene glaciers.

The culmination of the Younger Dryas was accompanied by a second sudden warming episode. It was the start of the Holocene Epoch about 11,600 years ago. Data suggests that this temperature increase was incredibly fast.

The abrupt heating that brought the Younger Dryas to a climax took 40 to 50 years.


Climatic impact of the YDCE upheaval

Some say that the temperature had little impact on humans, but others disagree. Various types of climate alterations occurred during the Younger Dryas, according to archives.

The Northern Hemisphere was predominantly cold. In response to the rapid cooling, glaciers expanded. Researchers believe that sea level temperatures in eastern Canada dropped by 5–10 ° C.

Sea surface temperature reductions were not as severe outside of the western North Atlantic. The Mediterranean Sea’s temperatures dropped by only 1–3° C. Water temperatures in Venezuela’s Cariaco Basin and northern California coast fell by roughly 3° C.

Several sections of the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere got slightly warmer. Warmer weather and decreased glacier covering have been observed in high-altitude parts of the Southern Hemisphere.

How stitching assisted us in dealing with the event’s repercussions?

Apart from affecting climatic conditions, this event helped in molding the lives of people. This mainly applied to the hunter gathers of North America.

Summers were hot, and winters were frigid and dry. In these oscillating seasonal extremes, clothing became much important. At such high temperatures, wind chills were a life-or-death concern.

And it was at this point that women entered the picture. The evolution of sewing technique was a critical adaptation strategy to the situation. This approach was developed to produce custom-made skin clothes.


Women used a number of tools to get the work done. These included eyed sewing needles, gravers, burins, abraders, and bow drills. These were also used by women to create and manage winter garments.

Bear, bird, bison, caribou, fish, and fox bones were used to make eyed needles. Ivory and other materials were used as well. Burins could be used to carve out through the needle apertures.

Extended needles with thread channels meant that hole in garment didn’t have to be made any bigger than needed to accommodate the thread. For an adult, parkas, pants, gloves, and boots could require up to five skins.

A whole outfit took an anticipated 105 hours to prepare. Being lightweight and providing great insulation, caribou skins were favored. But, the hairs were fragile and the clothing didn’t endure more than one cold season.

As a result, manufacturing clothes became an annual tradition. The name attributed to the attire was Inuit clothing. Inuit were the aboriginal people who lived in the Arctic regions of Canada, Greenland, and the United States.

The YDCE’s reasons have been hotly disputed. The dominant view holds that a massive surge of clean water from glacial lakes in Canada breached ice dams. This was discharged into the North Atlantic.

This large influx threw a wrench in the circulatory mechanism that transports tropical waters northward. This was because fresh water floats on top of salt water.

Other possibilities contend that volcanism, strong radiation or a big meteor collision could be the reason. No matter what the reason was, we were able to survive thanks to a technique perfected by women.

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